RideKC Notify sends service notifications from RideKC via text, email or voice message.
To subscribe:
You will receive a confirmation of your subscriptions. Notifications are sent from phone number other than RideKC or KCATA. The phone number will most likely not have the area code 816 or 913. We recommend you add that number to your phone contacts so it is recognized as RideKC Notify.
Route Codes are available in this PDF. Most route codes are "ridekc" plus the route number, for example "ridekc24" or "ridekc401". For services with out a route number, use these codes:
Main MAX: mmax
Troost MAX: tmax
Prospect MAX: pmax
RideKC Freedom: freedom
KC Streetcar: streetcar
RideKC Bike/Scooter: bike
Notifications include service bulletins such as: weather advisories, delayed service, holiday schedule announcements, reroutes, service changes, public meeting information, policy changes, etc.
To unsubscribe at any time: Text "STOP" to unsubscribe.
RideKC will not sell or share your contact information. RideKC offers this service free of charge, but data and text rates may apply.
For more information, visit RideKC.org or call 816.221.0660.