Bus on Shoulder in Kansas

Buses may travel on the shoulder of I-35 when traffic is slower than 35 miles per hour, thus bypassing congested areas. Buses can’t travel more than 10 miles faster than the traffic on the highway and won’t exceed 35 mph. If traffic is moving at 20 miles an hour, buses on the shoulder will be traveling at 30 mph. Guidelines for BOS were planned and coordinated with the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) and the Kansas Highway Patrol.

To get you to your destination faster, buses are able to use the shoulder of I-35 in areas between linking Johnson County, Kansas, and downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Bus on Shoulder (BOS) is available for RideKC buses during the morning and evening rush hours from 95th Street to the Kansas/Missouri state line near Cambridge Circle.

In 2012, Bus on Shoulder was implemented in Johnson County. In 2018, it was expanded to Wyandotte County.

RideKC bus driving northbound on shoulder of I-35