Taking RideKC can save you money. Try our easy to use cost of driving calculator to see how much you spend driving to and from work. Enter your information and click on calculate to see the results. Then, get ready to ride!
* Based on the following estimates for increased costs of maintenance and tire replacement per mile.
Small Sedan | Medium Sedan | Subcompact SUV | Compact SUV | Medium SUV |
15.67 cents | 18.22 cents | 18.23 cents | 17.79 cents | 20.25 cents |
** Those who receive free parking may instead be entitled to a public transit subsidy up to $280 per month.
*** If you can live with one less vehicle in your household, you would save an additional $6,624 in car ownership cost (full-coverage insurance, license, registration, taxes, depreciation and finance charge).
The ownership, maintenance and tire replacement cost are from the AAA 2021 Your Driving Costs. Calculator courtesy of American Public Transit Association.
Live outside of the Kansas City area and want to find your local transit provider? Visit the Public Transit in Your Community to locate the public transit system where you live.
In just a few minutes, you can learn everything you need to know to ride like a pro.
Have questions about how to ride? Call the Regional Call Center at 816-221-0660.