In The News: RideKC Navigator

Date:November 18, 2020
In The News: RideKC Navigator

National transit publications Mass Transit and Metro magazines recently covered RideKC and the KCATA's new wayfinding app for the visually impaired, RideKC Navigator.  

Mass Transit magazine.

Metro magazine.

Here’s what KCATA CEO Robbie Makinen had to say about the partnerships that were vital to building RideKC Navigator in Kansas City:

The KCATA partnered with Alphapointe to assist with the development and testing of the RideKC Navigator app. RideKC Navigator will help visually impaired individuals increase their mobility as they use the app to navigate the Prospect MAX corridor. The visually impaired experts at Alphapointe navigate the real world daily. Their help in orientation and mobility instructions, testing and tutorials was invaluable. 

In addition to Alphapointe, we could not have done this without the help of Senator Blunt, Senator Moran, Congressman Cleaver, Congressman Graves, Congresswoman Davids, and Acting FTA Administrator K. Jane Williams.  They and their amazing staff continue to work across the aisles and state lines for the good of transit and our community and we are grateful that they continue to deliver.

The impact of their commitment, reflected in the $56 million investment along the Prospect MAX corridor, has also allowed the KCATA to implement RideKC Navigator with those same funds.  How appropriate when the Prospect MAX ends at Alphapointe. RideKC and the KCATA plan to expand RideKC Navigator to more routes in the future.

See more about how RideKC Navigator will help our riders.