Honor Plaques Recognize Kansas Citians Who Paved the Way

Date:February 10, 2020
Honor Plaques Recognize Kansas Citians Who Paved the Way

Civil rights activists. A minister. A bus operator. A doctor. A historian. A journalist.

Those are just a few of the occupations of many people who have made a difference along Prospect Avenue through the years. Some worked to preserve African-American history and culture in Kansas City. Others developed programs and resources for struggling families and neighborhoods. Some even marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. All paved the way with significant contributions in the neighborhoods along Prospect.

We are recognizing ten people as part of the new Prospect MAX line. The Honor Plaque Program honors community members who made significant contributions in Kansas City and especially along Prospect. 

In conjunction with Black History Month 2020, RideKC is announcing and honoring these ten individuals by sharing their stories. Please join us as we share their stories on the RideKC blog, as well as on our social media: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

The Paving the Way Honor Plaque program was developed through a subcommittee of the Prospect MAX Advisory committee, which included more than 40 people who offered guidance and feedback about Prospect MAX. The committee consisted of community advocates, business owners and managers, and civic and non-profit leaders who work, conduct business or live along the corridor.

 “The subcommittee worked diligently to come up with a list of names representing a variety of occupations, backgrounds and contributions,” Prospect MAX Project Manager Linda Clark said.

Members brainstormed to create a slate of community members to be honored with station plaques. Through public involvement, the first ten honorees were selected.

The ten honorees chosen are being recognized with granite tile plaques and biographical videos on the Prospect MAX smart kiosks. Look for the Paving The Way plaques along the route and celebrate Prospect Avenue’s rich history and those who have built the community.