9/10: Downtown Buses Reroute for Fiesta Hispana

Date:September 09, 2024
Effective:Sep 10, 2024

On Tuesday, September 10, from 9 a.m., until 4 p.m., buses in downtown KC will Reroute for Fiesta Hispana

Prospect MAX, 9 9th Street, 11 Northeast/Westside Connector, 12 12th Street, 18 Indiana, 23 23rd Street, 24 Independence, 47 Broadway, 101 Sate Ave., 106 Quindaro-Amazon, 201 North Oak, 210 Front Street, 229 KCI-boardwalk, 238 Meadowbrook:

Northbound/Westbound buses will travel the regular route to 11th and Charlotte, go north on Charlotte, west on 9th, south on Oak, and west on 11th to resume the regula route.

Southbound/Eastbound buses will travel the regular route.

For route information, contact the Regional Call Center at 816-221-0660, weekdays from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. We offer translation assistance for trip information in more than 50 languages.

El Centro de Llamadas Regional de RideKC brinda asistencia con la traducción al 816-221-0660, de lunes a viernes de 6 a.m. a 6 p.m. Lo conectaremos con un intérprete que puede traducir la información del viaje en más de 50 idiomas.