The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA/RideKC) developed a four-level Infectious Virus/Disease Plan in 2020. The plan is based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, state and local entities. Due to the increasing incidence of COVID-19, KCATA returned to Level 2 on January 7, 2022. KCATA’s 14-day trend has seen a 42% increase in employee positives, and a 65% increase in employee quarantines.
Following is a summary of Level 2 Criteria and Impact on Operations
- Increased risk/potential danger to KCATA
- Significant increase of infectious virus/disease in the region
- All safety protocols remain in place on the KCATA campus and on board RideKC.
- KCATA on-campus footprint limited to essential operational personnel.
- Transit service may be impacted.
Additional COVID-19 Response from KCATA/RideKC COVID Testing Sites at Transit Centers
RideKC and the City of Kansas City, Mo., Health Department are providing access to COVID-19 Testing at three transit center locations, in partnership with Curative. Testing is free and open to the public at East Village Transit Center at 12th & Charlotte and at the 75th & Prospect Transit Center. A third site will open Jan. 20 at Boardwalk Square in the Northland. Test results are delivered electronically within 1-2 days upon receipt of the sample at the lab. To schedule an appointment, visit Walk-ins and on-site registration are available.
- Possible Delays: RideKC is operating reduced schedules. If there are significant delays due to staffing issues, notices about delays will be sent through RideKC Notify. Visit RideKC Notify to sign up for text, email or phone notifications for specific route info. For next available bus, contact the Regional Call Center at 816-221-0660 on weekdays, or use online trip planners and bus trackers. Bus trackers: Transit app:
- Federal Face Mask Order: Under the CDC’s order, face masks are required on RideKC buses, paratransit, Micro Transit and on KC Streetcar.
- The East Village Transit Center Lobby will be closed, except for COVID-19 testing. Lost and found will be available by appointment only.
KCATA Campus
- KCATA will continue to limit the office workforce on campus.
- COVID Testing Policy remains in place.
- Masks must be worn.
- Daily Temperature Check requirements remain in place.
- All essential in-person meetings must be socially distanced.
- The lobby will remain closed.